8 Beauty And Health Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

 benefits of lavender oil
Virginia Gaertner By Virginia Gaertner | Editor

 lavender essential oil aromatherapy

Lavare, The Pleasant Scent

Lavender essential oil offers numerous health benefits, including treating respiratory problems, enhancing blood circulation, disinfecting the skin and scalp, relieving pain, and eliminating nervous tension. "Lavare" is the Latin term for lavender, which translates to "to wash" based on its delightful scent. Lavender oil is mainly extracted through steam distillation from lavender plant flowers.

Lavender flowers are very fragrant, and for centuries, it has been used to make potpourri. Historically, the lavender essential oil was also used to make perfumes. The oil is quite useful in numerous aromatic preparations and aromatherapy and combinations.

 benefits of lavender oil

1Anxiety And Stress

Whenever people have bad nerves, they usually need an effective remedy. It could be either at home or at work. The lavender essential oil can be used to help calm bad nerves down.

Lavender-infused water or lavender oil can be used to help calm your nerves. It is effective at curing your anxiety. Spray or rub on the back of your jaw, forehead, or temples as a preventative measure before you get into a stressful environment to help relieve stress.

 lavender oil for skin

2Scrapes, Cuts, And Wounds

There are potent antiseptic properties in lavender oil. Applying this oil topically to scrapes, cuts, and wounds increases cell growth, which facilitates faster healing of wounds. The oil's antimicrobial properties help to protect wounds from getting infected.

Lavender oil can be diluted with jojoba or olive oil by mixing one part lavender oil with ten parts of the other oil and then applying the mixture to the wounded area. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that herbalists use lavender oil to treat wounds. During wartime, lavender was used for disinfecting wounds.

 lavender oil medicinal uses

3Acne And Eczema

Lavender oil has antibacterial properties, which makes it a very effective acne treatment. It also helps with improving the complexion and balancing the sebum production. Lavender oil can be added to an all-natural moisturizer or cleanser to help with reducing scarring or clearing up acne.

A couple of lavender oil drops can be mixed into a carrier oil to help alleviate the dryness and itching that eczema causes. It can also be used for soothing minor rashes. It is also useful for treating other types of skin irritations like those that are caused by environmental allergens or excessive humidity and heat.

how to use lavender essential oil

4Bugs And Insects

Many flying insects don't like the scent of lavender. Hence, lavender makes a much safer alternative to many topical insect repellents. To help prevent bugs from getting into your house, plant lavender around your doors and windows.

Rub lavender oil on skin that has been infected by burrowing mites (scabies), and then on a daily basis, follow up by treating your skin with rubbing alcohol and lavender oil mixture. Lavender oil can be sprinkled on mattresses to help keep the insects away from your bedrooms. You can also use lavender oil to repel mosquitoes.

 lavender oil medicinal uses

5Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Lavender oil works well to help with your digestion. Use it after a heartburn flares up or following a large meal. You can also use it to help with many digestion issues.

Drink lavender tea following a meal to reduce acid reflux and relieve indigestion. Or you can try using some therapeutic-grade lavender oil that is safe to ingest. Use a drop on the back of your tongue to improve digestion and soothe your stomach.

how to use lavender essential oil

6Depression And Anxiety

The lavender essential oil has anticonvulsive, sedative, and calming effects that are effective in curing depression and anxiety. Herbal remedies frequently use it to treat restlessness and promote relaxation. The lavender plant can be placed in the corner of a room, or you can put some lavender stems into a vase. The soothing aroma of the lavender will help to repel mosquitoes and relieve stress.

A Korean study was done that involved patients who have terminal cancer. The patients were given hand massages using a lavender oil mixture, and it was found that it had a positive effect on the patients' depression and pain. There was another study involving postpartum women that showed this oil was able to bring down depression and anxiety levels without causing any adverse side effects.

 lavender oil for skin

7IBS And Bloating

Being bloated can be agonizing. Bloating can be caused by harmful bacteria overgrowth within the body. There are polyphenols contained in lavender that help to reduce bad bacteria inside of your blood, which helps to eliminate bloating.

You can sprinkle dried culinary-grade lavender on top of your Greek yogurt if you are suffering from bloating. It will help to facilitate proper digestion and reduce bloating. It has been found that lavender can be used as an irritable bowel syndrome treatment, and bloating is one of the symptoms of this condition.

 lavender oil for skin

8Back And Joint Pain

Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, the lavender essential oil is highly effective at relieving pain that sore muscles cause. It has also been shown to help relieve rheumatism, backaches, and joint pain. A study conducted by Hong Kong Polytechnic University showed that a gentle massage using lavender essential oil is able to reduce an individual's back pain by up to 39 percent.

You just massage the lavender oil into the area that is affected, or if your skin is sensitive, you can mix a couple of drops of lavender oil with coconut oil before rubbing it in. Having massages done with lavender oil on a regular basis is an excellent way of relieving joint pain. It can also help to inhale lavender oil, so you might want to put some oil into a diffuser before you go to bed. Research conducted on post-operation pain relief has found that, when oxygen and lavender essential oil are combined, it significantly reduces how much pain is experienced compared to those who received only oxygen following major surgery.

 benefits of lavender oil

Lavender oil blends quite well with some other essential oils, including nutmeg, geranium, clary sage, pine, and cedarwood. Lavender essential oil is now used quite often in different forms, including soaps, lotion, infusion, gels, and aromatherapy oil. Like with many other kinds of essential oils, breastfeeding and pregnant women should not use lavender essential oil.

Patients who have diabetes should also avoid using lavender oil. It might cause allergic reactions to individuals with highly sensitive skin. Some individuals might also experience headaches, vomiting, and nausea due to using lavender oil excessively.

  •  lavender oil medicinal uses
  • how to use lavender essential oil
  • how to use lavender essential oil
  •  lavender essential oil aromatherapy
  •  lavender oil for skin
  •  lavender oil medicinal uses